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Platform for Governing

Healthy and prosperous communities do not happen by accident. They require dynamic leadership, thoughtful innovation, policy creation, and measurable implementation. Four central foundational pillars are necessary to build and maintain stable and healthy communities: adequate family-wage jobs, accessible, affordable housing, low levels of crime, and effective substance addiction programs. As your County Commissioner, I will make these four integrated areas my primary focus.

Family Wage Employment

Lewis County remains with high unemployment rates and even higher families living in poverty. This leads to the downfall of our community, with families struggling to make ends meet. Family wage jobs are crucial for enabling families to prosper in community engagement. When individuals are employed in family-wage jobs, they are better able to provide for their families, which can lead to increased participation in community activities and events. This can result in a more engaged and connected community, as families have the resources and stability to contribute and participate in local initiatives, organizations, and events. Families with access to family-wage jobs are more likely to invest in their local community and support local businesses, leading to economic growth and a thriving community.


As a County Commissioner, I will start addressing poverty rates, high unemployment, and low-wage jobs by creating a comprehensive approach that Collaborates with local businesses, chambers of commerce, and economic development agencies to attract new businesses and industries to the area. I will support initiatives that provide job training, skills development, and education programs to help residents obtain the skills needed for higher-paying jobs in growing industries. I will advocate for policies that promote fair wages and benefits for workers, allow for a local workforce requirement, and expand apprenticeship opportunities within the county where the training model fits appropriately.

Development and the Affordable Housing Crisis

Affordable housing is scarce in Lewis County and availability is shrinking. An affordable and stable housing capacity is one of the other foundations to building and maintaining a healthy community. This important factor provides stability for individuals and families in developing meaningful connections to their communities. Affordable housing capacity takes time, concentrated policy efforts and effective investment strategies. As a professional in the construction trades, having spent many decades at the labor and policy levels, I understand what is required to start solving this important challenge. 


As County Commissioner, I will take action to review and audit our county’s current permitting and zoning processes. I know that we can do better in both areas. Where it makes sense, we need to expedite the process for building family homes within our community and reduce the red tape to encourage more responsible growth in housing options for our residents. We need to review our current zoning policies and listen to citizen input on how we move forward. Landowners want a voice, and I will give them that.

Crime is Increasing

Crime rates are reaching record levels in our county, and it is crucial to reduce crime for the well-being of our communities. I am fully focused on addressing the increasing crime statistics in Lewis County. Building partnerships and strong relationships with city and county law enforcement agencies is necessary to develop innovative and collaborative strategies to combat crime. We need to make tough but effective choices that prioritize intervention and accountability. I am committed to leading the way in implementing measurable improvements. 

Our local law enforcement agencies are crucial to our county, and as county commissioner, I will commit to supporting and guiding them on areas of growth in the County. I will work to help support programs like Community Watch, incentivizing crime prevention initiatives and ensuring strong communication within the agency and the county. Law Enforcement must know that we support them and have their back.  By identifying and addressing the underlying factors contributing to crime, such as poverty, substance abuse, and lack of mental health services, we can support initiatives that target these root causes can help reduce criminal behavior in rural communities.

Mental Health and Addiction

Lewis County is facing a crisis due to the rising rates of drug addiction. Even more concerning are the record numbers of overdose deaths, which can be attributed to the increased availability of stronger and more lethal drugs like Fentanyl. The escalating crime rates in our community are directly linked to this increased drug availability. Addressing this complex issue requires a comprehensive community approach involving social service providers, law enforcement partners, and health authorities. What is lacking is a thorough understanding and effective strategies to address this multifaceted problem through innovative problem-solving techniques supported by strong policies and dynamic leadership. I am ready to be that dynamic leader. 


As a county commissioner, I will focus on addressing issues related to the mental health and drug crisis by working closely with local and regional stakeholders such as mental health professionals, addiction treatment centers, law enforcement, and community organizations. It's important to implement and support programs that offer mental health services and addiction treatment, as well as to raise awareness and provide education about mental health and substance abuse issues. This crisis has impacted our entire country, and we must not accept it as the new normal for our families, our children, and our communities. We will hold providers accountable by data-driven measures and only move best practices with outcomes forward in our community.

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